
A meeting activity can have the following statuses:

  • upcoming if the meeting is in the future
  • in-progress if the meeting is currently in progress
  • completed if the meeting happened and has ended
  • canceled if the meeting was deleted from all synced calendars, all participants that exist as contacts on a lead were removed from the meeting, or the meeting was moved to an "all day" event after it was synced on a lead page
  • declined-by-lead if at least one contact on the lead that is a part of the attendees list declined the meeting, and no other contacts on the lead accepted the meeting
  • declined-by-org if all Close users on the meeting declined to attend

Each contact in the attendees array can have the following statuses:

  • noreply if the attendee has yet to reply to the meeting invite
  • yes if the attendee has replied yes to the meeting invite
  • no if the attendee has replied no to the meeting invite
  • maybe if the attendee has replied maybe to the meeting invite

We also expose fields containing provider calendar information. See Meeting Search:

  • provider_calendar_event_id - the provider event ID the meeting was synced from
  • provider_calendar_ids - the provider calendar IDs the meeting was synced from
  • provider_calendar_type - either "google" or "microsoft"

The is_recurring will be true if a meeting is a recurring meeting on your Google Calendar.

The date_created field on Meeting activities refers to the date and time the meeting starts, not the date and time when the Meeting activity was first synced to the lead in Close.

To add Meeting notes to an existing Meeting activity, you can use the user_note_html field. These notes should be formatted as rich text and can include links, images, and other rich-text elements.

List or filter all Meeting activities.

GET /activity/meeting/{?lead_id, user_id, date_created__gt, date_created__lt}

Fetch a single Meeting activity.

GET /activity/meeting/{id}/

Update Meeting notes.

PUT /activity/meeting/{id}/

Please note that only the designated Notetaker is allowed to submit Meeting notes.

The first user who submits a note becomes the designated Notetaker, but if the note contents are cleared, the Notetaker designation will be released.

Delete a Meeting activity.

DELETE /activity/meeting/{id}/

Create or update third party Meeting integration.

POST /activity/meeting/{id}/integration/

Please note that only OAuth apps can perform this operation. Using API key will result in an error. See Authentication with OAuth for more information.

Third party integrations are presented as tabs titled with OAuth app name in the activity feed. When invoked for the first time with a given OAuth app a new integration is created, subsequent calls with the same OAuth app will update an existing integration. Submitting an empty JSON body does nothing.