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Tasks are action items with a given date that are assigned to a sales rep.

Incomplete tasks (is_complete is false) show in the sales rep's inbox, whereas complete tasks (is_complete is true) are shown in the archive. Archived tasks of certain types are automatically deleted after a certain amount of time.

The date of a task represents the point in time of when the task is actionable and appears in the inbox. It can either be date-only (e.g. 2015-01-05), or a date time (e.g. 2015-01-10T05:00:00+00:00). When ordering tasks by date, date-only tasks are ordered before any date-time tasks at the given date, taking the time zone (x-tz-offset) into account. For example, in Pacific Standard Time (x-tz-offset: -8) and ascending order, a task dated 2015-01-12 will appear before 2015-01-12T08:00:00, but after 2015-01-12T07:00:00. Some endpoints accept and return a due_date field, which is deprecated and shouldn't be used.

The type of a task is returned using the _type field, which can also be used to filter tasks. When not filtering by _type, only tasks of lead type are returned. All tasks can be shown using _type=all, and multiple task types can be filtered by passing the type names comma separated into _type__in (e.g. _type__in=missed_call,voicemail). Some task types have a corresponding object which is returned using the object_id and object_type params. The following is a list of task types and corresponding objects that exist:

  • lead: A to-do item/task for a given lead. Both object_type and object_id are null, since the lead is already returned in lead_id.
  • incoming_email: One or multiple incoming emails on an email thread. The object_type is emailthread, and object_id is the ID of the corresponding email thread. Multiple unread emails in one thread are consolidated into one task. The emails array contains a list of email activity IDs related to this task. The subject field contains the subject of the email thread.
  • email_followup: A reminder to follow up on a specific email you sent in the past and didn't get a response to. The object_type is emailthread, and object_id is the ID of the corresponding email thread. A reference to the email you sent originally is stored in email_id. The subject and body_preview fields contain data related the email you should follow up on.
  • missed_call: A missed call. The object_type is call, and object_id is the activity ID of the call that was missed. The phone field contains the phone number of the remote party, the local_phone field contains the number that was called.
  • answered_detached_call: A call from a number that isn't associated with any of the organization's contacts. The object_type is call, and object_id is the ID of the corresponding call. The phone field contains the phone number of the remote party.
  • voicemail: A voicemail. Just like missed_call, with the additional fields voicemail_duration and voicemail_url.
  • opportunity_due: Indicates that an opportunity is scheduled to close on this date. The object_type is opportunity, and object_id is the ID of the corresponding opportunity.
  • incoming_sms: An incoming SMS. The object_type is sms, and object_id is the ID of the corresponding SMS. The remote_phone field contains the phone number of the sender, the local_phone field contains the number that was texted. If incoming SMS is actually an MMS, it will have all the attachments in the attachments field: check the example response for what fields could be present there.

List or filter tasks.

GET /task/{?id, id__in, _type, lead_id, is_complete, date__{lt|gt|lte|gte}, date_created__{lt|gt|lte|gte}, assigned_to, view, _order_by}

The view parameter can be used to conveniently access the different task views. It accepts one of the following values:

  • inbox: Shows incomplete tasks up to the end of the user's day only (taking the time zone into account).
  • future: Shows incomplete tasks starting from the user's tomorrow only (taking the time zone into account).
  • archive: Shows complete tasks only.

The _order_by field allows ordering by date or date_created (descending order by prepending a minus, e.g. _order_by=-date).

Create a task.

POST /task/

Currently only tasks of type lead can be created, so the _type field may be omitted.

Bulk-update tasks.

PUT /task/{?...}

Any of the filters of the GET endpoint may be used. For example, to update multiple tasks with given IDs A, B and C, id__in=A,B,C would be passed.

Only the assigned_to, date and is_complete fields may be updated.

Fetch a task's details.

GET /task/{id}/

Update a task.

PUT /task/{id}/

The assigned_to, date (either a date or a date-time) and is_complete fields may be updated on all tasks. If the task type is lead, the text field may also be modified.

Delete a task.

DELETE /task/{id}/