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Bulk Actions

Bulk actions are used to perform an "action" (send an email, update a lead status, etc.) on a number of leads.

Lead filtering

To initiate bulk actions for a subset of leads you need to provide the structured filtering values that you would normally send to the Advanced Filtering API endpoint such as query, results_limit, and sort fields.

The only difference is that Bulk Actions endpoints require you to rename the query field to s_query (shorthand for structured query).

For example, this is the payload that you would send to the Advanced Filtering API endpoint:

    "query": {
        "queries": [
    "results_limit": 100,
    "sort": [

and this is the equivalent payload you would send to Bulk Actions endpoints (note the renamed query -> s_query field):

    "s_query": {
        "queries": [
    "results_limit": 100,
    "sort": [

Pausing and resuming

You can pause an in-progress bulk action by sending { 'status': 'paused' }. You can also resume it afterwards ({ 'status': 'resuming' }), unless more than 7 days passed since you paused the action.

Receiving an email after you're done

Use "send_done_email": false if you don't want to get a confirmation email after a bulk action is done.

List bulk emails.

GET /bulk_action/email/

Initiate a new bulk email.

POST /bulk_action/email/

contact_preference can be set to lead (only email the primary/first contact email of the lead) or contact (email the first contact email of each contact of the lead).

Fetch a single bulk email object.

GET /bulk_action/email/{id}/

List bulk sequence subscriptions.

GET /bulk_action/sequence_subscription/

Initiate a new bulk sequence subscription.

POST /bulk_action/sequence_subscription/

action_type must be one of:

  • subscribe to create a new sequence subscription for contacts that have never received the given sequence.
  • resume to resume any paused sequence subscriptions for the given sequence or all sequences if sequence_id is not provided.
  • resume_finished to resume any finished sequence subscriptions for the given sequence or all sequences if sequence_id is not provided.
  • pause to pause any active sequence subscriptions for the given sequence or all sequences if sequence_id is not provided.

sequence_id, sender_account_id, sender_name, sender_email and contact_preference are required if action_type is subscribe.

contact_preference can be set to:

  • lead to only subscribe the primary/first contact email of the lead.
  • contact to subscribe the primary email of each contact of the lead.

Fetch a single bulk sequence subscription object.

GET /bulk_action/sequence_subscription/{id}/

List bulk deletes.

GET /bulk_action/delete/

Initiate a new bulk delete.

POST /bulk_action/delete/

Use "send_done_email": false if you don't want to get a confirmation email after the bulk action is done.

Fetch a single bulk delete object.

GET /bulk_action/delete/{id}/

List bulk edits.

GET /bulk_action/edit/

Initiate a new bulk edit.

POST /bulk_action/edit/

Pass additional parameters depending on which type is passed:

  • set_lead_status will set the Lead Status on all leads. It expects:
  • lead_status_id - ID of the Lead Status to use.
  • clear_custom_field will clear/remove/unset a specific custom field from all leads. It expects:
  • custom_field_id or custom_field_name - ID or exact name of the custom field to remove.
  • set_custom_field will set/update/add a specific custom field on all leads. It expects:
  • custom_field_id or custom_field_name - ID or exact name of the custom field to set/update.
  • custom_field_value - New value. Use custom_field_values to pass multiple values to custom fields that support it.
  • custom_field_operation - replace, add, or remove (defaults to replace). Only applicable for custom fields that accept multiple values.

Use "send_done_email": false if you don't want to get a confirmation email after the bulk action is done.

Fetch a single bulk edit object.

GET /bulk_action/edit/{id}/