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Custom Activity Types

List Custom Activity Types.

GET /custom_activity/

The response will include all Custom Activity Types, including Custom Field metadata for your organization.

Create new Custom Activity Type.

POST /custom_activity/

The type must be created before activity custom fields can be added.

Retrieve a single Custom Activity Type.

GET /custom_activity/{id}/

The response contains the Custom Activity Type including most Custom Field metadata.

Update existing Custom Activity Type.

PUT /custom_activity/{id}/

The type's name, description, api_create_only and editable_with_roles may be updated here. These properties will be updated immediately in the Custom Activity API.

Field order can be set here, but adding, modifying or removing fields from a Custom Activity Type must be done using the Custom Field API. The field order is a display property only, and does not affect the request and response for the Custom Activity API.

Delete a Custom Activity Type.

DELETE /custom_activity/{id}/