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Groups are named collections of Users. They allow you to refer to multiple Users as a unit in various product areas like filtering and reporting. A group typically represents a team in your company. For example, you can have a Sales group and a Support group. A User can be a member of multiple Groups.

Endpoints for groups require a ?_fields=name,members GET parameter to return corresponding field data. Specify only the fields you want to reduce the amount of data returned.

Endpoints that support filtering for both groups and users use the existing ?user_id__in=user_abc,user_xyz GET parameter. To filter for users that belong to a group, just include the group ID. You can mix individual users and groups in the same request. For example: ?user_id__in=user_abc,group_xyz

List Groups for your organization.

GET /group/{?_fields}

Note that list endpoint does not support retrieving members for all groups. Use individual group endpoint instead.

Create a Group.

POST /group/{?_fields}

A group is created with no users. Use the member endpoint to add or remove members.

Fetch an individual Group.

GET /group/{group_id}/{?_fields}

Update a Group.

PUT /group/{group_id}/{?_fields}

You can use this endpoint to rename a Group. If a name is not unique, an error will be returned.

Delete a Group.

DELETE /group/{group_id}/

This is only allowed if the Group is not referenced by saved reports or smart views.

Add a User to a Group.

POST /group/{group_id}/member/

If the user is already a member of the group, nothing changes.

Remove a User from a Group.

DELETE /group/{group_id}/member/{user_id}/

If the user is not a member of the group, nothing changes.