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Meeting Search

Meetings, apart from normal activity search, can be searched by provider calendar information i.e. the underlying calendar events they were created from. The searchable fields are:

  • provider_calendar_event_id - required, the provider event ID the meeting was synced from
  • provider_calendar_id - the provider calendar ID the meeting was synced from
  • provider_calendar_type - either "google" or "microsoft"
  • starts_at - the meeting start time, useful for finding meetings created from instances of recurring events

When searching on one of those fields you must always provide at least provider_calendar_event_id or you will receive an error. starts_at apart from exact matches can be searched on ranges by using start_at__gte and starts_at__lt.


Search for meetings with given provider calendar EVENT_ID across all the leads in the organization.

Search for meetings with given provider calendar EVENT_ID that start at 3 pm on 09/19/2023 UTC across all the leads in the organization.

Search for meetings with given provider calendar EVENT_ID and calendar CALENDAR_ID across all the leads in the organization.

Search for meetings with given provider calendar EVENT_ID coming from Google Calendar that start between 09/20/2023 midnight UTC inclusive and 09/21/2023 midnight UTC exclusive on a lead LEAD_ID in the organization.

Google calendar provider information

provider_calendar_event_id is the same as id property on an Event resource, similarly provder_calendar_id is the same as id property on a Calendar resource. Google always addresses events with this pair i.e. when fetching them with their API you have to provide both.

If you happen to have htmlLink property of Event resource it's possible to decompose it to both IDs. For example given:

one can base64 decode eid query parameter ZDYzOWZhMWM3ZWEzNDRjNzk3ZGYxZDBmNTE2MDMxMTMgZXhhbXBsZUBjbG9zZS5jb2 to space separated d639fa1c7ea344c797df1d0f51603113 which can be passed to provider_calendar_event_id and provider_calendar_id respectively.

The same can be done with an edit link which can be seen if you double click on an event in the web UI. For example given:

the last path component ZDYzOWZhMWM3ZWEzNDRjNzk3ZGYxZDBmNTE2MDMxMTMgZXhhbXBsZUBjbG9zZS5jb20 decomposes to d639fa1c7ea344c797df1d0f51603113 which, again, can be passed to provider_calendar_event_id and provider_calendar_id respectively. Note that depending on your base64 decode implementation you might need to add extra = characters at the end to satisfy base64 padding requirements as Google strips those. Here's a Python example.

Microsoft calendar provider information

provider_calendar_event_id is the same as id property on an Event resource, similarly provider_calendar_id is the same as id property on a Calendar resource.

If you happen to have webLink property of an Event resource one can find provider_calendar_event_id there as itemid query parameter. For example given:

AAMkADdiYzg5OGRlLTY1MjktNDc2Ni05YmVkLWMxMzFlNTQ0MzU3YQBGAAAAAACi9RQWB-SNTZBuALM6KIOsBwBtf4g8yY_zTZgZh6x0X-50AAAAAAENAABtf4g8yY_zTZgZh6x0X-50AALLI4-VAAA= could be passed as provider_calendar_event_id.

The same can be done with details link which can be seen if you double click on an event in the web UI. For example given:

the last path component AAMkADdiYzg5OGRlLTY1MjktNDc2Ni05YmVkLWMxMzFlNTQ0MzU3YQBGAAAAAACi9RQWB-SNTZBuALM6KIOsBwBtf4g8yY_zTZgZh6x0X-50AAAAAAENAABtf4g8yY_zTZgZh6x0X-50AALLI4-VAAA= could be passed as provider_calendar_event_id.