Custom Object Instances

List all Custom Object instances.

GET /custom_object/{?lead_id, custom_object_type_id}

Custom Fields values appear in the format: custom.{custom_field_id}. See Custom Fields.

Back references to each Custom Object are not collected in this response. If you need to access this information, please use the back_reference_fields on the Custom Object Type and Advanced Filtering to search for objects that reference the Custom Object Instance.

Create a new Custom Object instance.

POST /custom_object/

Custom Field values can be set using the format: custom.{custom_field_id}. See Custom Fields.

The following fields are required:

  • custom_object_type_id: The type of Custom Object you are creating determines the Custom Fields that can be used.
  • lead_id: The Lead that this Custom Object instance will belong to.
  • name: Each Custom Object has a name, used for display.

Retrieve a single Custom Object instance.

GET /custom_object/{id}/

Updating a Custom Object instance.

PUT /custom_object/{id}/

A Custom Object can be updated to add, change or remove any Custom Fields, and to change the name property.

Delete a Custom Object instance.

DELETE /custom_object/{id}/