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Custom Object Types

List Custom Object Types.

GET /custom_object_type/

The response will include all Custom Object Types, including Custom Field metadata for your organization.

Each Custom Object Type has two lists of Custom Fields. The fields property contains the list of fields that belong to the Custom Object Type. The back_reference_fields property contains the list of any objects (Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Custom Activities, Custom Objects) that reference the Custom Object Type.

Create new Custom Object Type.

POST /custom_object_type/

The type must be created before Custom Fields can be added.

The following fields are required:

  • name: The name of the Custom Object Type
  • name_plural: A pluralized version of the name, for some UI display.

The following fields are optional:

  • description: A longer description of the Custom Object Type.
  • api_create_only: If true, instances can only be created by API clients. Defaults to false.
  • editable_with_roles: Only users with the given roles can edit instances of this type. By default, any user in your organization can make changes to the instances of this type.

Retrieve a single Custom Object Type.

GET /custom_object_type/{id}/

The response contains the Custom Object Type including most Custom Field metadata.

Update existing Custom Object Type.

PUT /custom_object_type/{id}/

The type's name, name_plural, description, api_create_only and editable_with_roles properties may be updated here. These properties will be updated immediately in the Custom Object API. You cannot add, modify, remove or reorder fields from a Custom Object Type using this resource. See Custom Object Custom Fields and Custom Field Schema API for these features.

Delete a Custom Object Type.

DELETE /custom_object_type/{id}/