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Email Templates

Email Templates are predefined emails that can be used over and over again when sending email. They save time when sending emails one at a time via the Close UI, and they are also used when initiating a single Bulk Email.

List email templates.

GET /email_template/{?is_archived}

Create an email template.

POST /email_template/

Fetch an email template.

GET /email_template/{id}/

Update an email template.

PUT /email_template/{id}/

Delete an email template.

DELETE /email_template/{id}/

Render an email template for the given lead/contact using the current user context.

GET /email_template/{id}/render/{?lead_id, contact_id, query, entry, mode}

Accepts two forms of usage:

  • Single lead/contact:
    • lead_id and contact_id is supplied (both required)
  • Preview results from a search query
    • query (required) contains a search query
    • entry (optional, ranges from 0 to 99) specifies the index of the lead/contact that should be rendered.
    • mode (optional), which can have a value of:
      • lead (default), the first contact of the lead with the index given by entry will be rendered (excluding leads that have no email addresses).
      • contact, then entry refers to the index of the contact (excluding contacts that have no emails). Will return an empty dict if there are no more entries.