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Roles define what users in your organization can or can not do.

Each user has a single role which you can set with a PUT request to Memberships API.

Every role has a set of permissions that represent actions users can do in Close.

Some roles, like "Admin" role, are maintained by the system and you cannot edit them.

Lead visibility related fields should be empty if the role has view_all_leads permission, and should be set otherwise.

Fetch a single role.

GET /role/{id}/

List all the roles defined for your organization.

GET /role/

Create a new role.

POST /role/

visibility_user_lcf_ids (optional)

A list of Lead Custom Field IDs that define which leads user with this role can see. If the role has view_all_leads permission, this field should be empty.

visibility_user_lcf_behavior (optional)

Defines how lead visibility works for leads that don't have assigned users. If the role has view_all_leads permission, this field should be empty.

  • require_assignment - leads without assigned users are not visible to this role
  • allow_unassigned - leads without assigned users are visible to this role

Update existing role.

PUT /role/{role_id}/

Delete a role.

DELETE /role/{role_id}/

Make sure to move all users off this role first by updating their "role_id" attribute first.